Thursday, November 10, 2011

A good day at the office

We recently had the pleasure of working with the amazing group of people at Red Mountain Capital.
They hired Ian to put a refined edge on the imagery for their new website which is refreshingly creative one in the finance world. If you have a few hundred thousand laying around these folks are pros at putting your money where it should be in the market. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In Print: We love 'em big and natural!

We love 'em big and natural! Pearls that is.

Kicking back and kicking up the lights with an old friend and a bag of rare pearls is a nice break from the Hollywood machine. We had the pleasure of doing another still life job with our ohana in town from Hawaii and the remote seas of the world. Pacific Pearl and Gem has some of the biggest and best quality natural pearls available anywhere in the world.

Monday, September 19, 2011

In my sights: Charlie Sheen for Comedy Central

Ian had a great session on the crazy train with Charlie Sheen earlier this month shooting ads and publicity for the Roast of Charlie Sheen which airs tonight on Comedy Central. The press is all over it today. If you haven't had enough already check it out! It should be pretty funny!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer of Swimwear

It's been a summer of swimwear catalogs!  Big thanks to Malibu Dreamgirl and all thier people that have been so good to us all these yaers. We had some great models including Ian's fave Megan Abrigo and some great new up and comers.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The new site is up!

The New site is up!
It let's the viewer choose from 13 different portfolios.
Check out the new Snappy Wonders section for some fun grabshots!
The new look!

Monday, January 3, 2011

"True Character"

It started with two grueling days of shooting over 400 people sportin' Peter Grimm headwear. With a little taunting, and more encouragement, these "non models" found their individualality - and it shined. Check out an interesting slice of Southern California's youth culture in this simple, but effective, stop animation piece.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"So Cal Scenes" is online!

No big crews, clients or publicists - just Ronnie, Alec or Sandra riding shotgun. We shot 250 different locations driving over 1500 miles on assignment for Frommers. With some serious editing we have compiled some of the most interesting frames to be exhibited in 2011 in Los Angeles. Check out So Cal Scenes on the website in the personal work section!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gettin' fresh with Fresh Beat Band

We recently tried something a bit different using stop animation to do tail and lead clip promos for Nick Jr's hit show Fresh Beat Band. If you are four years old this gang rocks it hard and you are sure to be dancin' your little ass off! It was a fun day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

She's Got the Look!

On the tube! Watch out for Ian's shoot for TV Land's  She's Got the Look. Brooke Burke hosts the show that features 35 - 54 year old models to be.  It was a fun shoot with these lovely "young" ladies.  The show premiers August 25th night on TV Land.

Monday, August 2, 2010

We Hassled the Hoff

It was a shootout! Yes, we had the pleasure of photographing the man himself. Check out The Roast of David Hasslehoff  on Comedy Central airing on August 15th! It should be pretty funny, the commercials are...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Seen on the streets - New Tosh.0 Ads!

Last week, when walking the dog on Abbot Kinney in Venice I look down and here it is! Not fresh poop to pick up, but my new ads for Comedy Central's Tosh.0  It's actually a pretty funny show. He is sort of a VJ of You Tube hits who  pulls the strangest videos off the web. It's always nice to see your work in public!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Never Neverland Ranchhand

Recently off the radar in Los Olivios, California shooting Thomas Barrack on his new 3000 acre property Ian finally has found a great way to supplement his income as a part time gardener at Neverland Ranch! The pay is good and the grass keeps growing! Oh and we had a great shoot too!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sinbad's new DVD

 We'll tell you where he's been: Hollywood Boulevard.  We shot Sinbad and a motley crew of extras on the Boulevard for the Comedy Central album cover.
Sinbad: Where You Been? is Sinbad's Comeback, which is NOT to be called a Comeback, because Sinbad is standing by the fact that he has been doing stand-up all along since he “disappeared” out of the public eye after his family-friendly movies. Sinbad has been continuing to do stand-up ever since 1983, even while he was doing his TV shows and movies. Catch Sinbad on "Celebrity Apprentice" in the Spring of 2010.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Larry Hernandez for People en Espanol

IWP shoots Billboard's recently nominated "Best New Latin Artist," Larry Hernandez.

Los Angeles-born narcorrido singer and songwriter Larry Hernandez likes to keep things simple when making music. “My inspiration comes from the people,” he says in Spanish over a phone interview. “Even the news on TV is a source for me.” His oft-controversial tunes are usually recorded live in the studio, with no overdubs or studio trickery.